25 August 2022

Niederlassungserlaubnis (German Permanent Residence Permit) Application Process for Filipina Spouse

DISCLAIMER: this article is only based on my own experience and does not, in any way, serve as legal advice to anyone who is planning to apply for a Residence Permit.

First, what is Niederlassungserlaubnis?

Niederlassungserlaubnis is an unlimited residence permit that largely give you a secure status in Germany. At the very least, being granted a permanent residence permit will mean you don't need to apply for an extension of your permit every time it expiresThis permit is issued to foreigners who live permanently and have the center of their family and economic life in Germany.

The legal code that we, as a spouse of a German national must abide with, in regards to the application and granting of the Niederlassungserlaubnis, is provided under Niederlassungserlaubnis nach § 28 Abs. 2 AufenthG.

Basically, it is assumed that:

  1. You have been in possession of a residence permit for three years
  2. The family cohabitation with the German spouse continues in Germany
  3. There is no interest in deportation
  4. You have sufficient knowledge of the German language

Niederlassungserlaubnis (German Permanent Residence Permit) Application Process for Filipina Spouse

DISCLAIMER: this article is only based on my own experience and does not, in any way, serve as legal advice to anyone who is planning to app...